The World In A Drop

The sky a steely gray

with thunder cackling

as a clap of lightning

bathes the city in light

Oh what a lovely sight!

The scent of the wet earth mingles

with that of fresh pakoras; and tingles

every sensation, every fibre

and turns my day however macabre

into a plethora of sheer bliss.

This dewy company I sure did miss…

The tipsy breeze

rattling the glossy green trees

The gentle pitter-patter hid

by the honks of the cars that skid

The dewy drops race

into the tips of my soul, down my face

When a beeping alarm in my chamber

awoke me from my dreamy slumber.

With a great sigh I hoisted myself from the bed

and to my window I sped


I could hear; hear the raindrops race and play

The sky a steely gray,

with thunder cackling

as a clap of lightning

bathes the city in light

Oh what a lovely sight!

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