My definition of ‘happiness’

The foaming moustache after I chug

my comforting coffee mug.

Inhaling the scent of wet earth

while watching the raindrops race in mirth.

The twinge of delight when I am told

I resemble my Jeje is hundred fold.

Stirring up a delicious dish

that everyone shall relish.

Nestled in my room with a novel

makes me happier than I can ever tell.

Listening to my friends’ endless chatter

or simply their goofy laughter.

Hosting my own concert in my own head

or watching cheesy rom-coms in bed.

Reliving old photographs as I flip

through every birthday, every trip.

Now the morning can’t be good without ayee wishing me,

While the year can’t be good without meeting my super huge family.

The tired yet happy smile after a day of shopping

full of retail therapy and mall hopping.

For me, life is nothing short of a movie

all you need is music and get groovy.

The crisp evening air entangling my hair

while in the rickshaw ,at the world I stare.

Even the slightest mention of school

leaves me grinning like a fool.

If happiness were a place, it would be that cream colored bungalow,

in Cuttack ,where the Mahanadi and eighteen beautiful smiles flow.

 Bingeing on famous five with Mumma,

Or watching Pari cheat at Ludo in a dilemma.

Painting on my canvas of thoughts with words led

me to being faithful to the stories in my head.

Now did you really think this list would have an end,

Then you are obviously mistaken, for life is a bend.

A bend that appears different the way you see it,

where prim and proper happiness is just a myth.

It lies in those moments and gestures- not so tiny,

and that’s the real definition of happiness for me.


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