Press Enter More Often

‘Backspace’ has heard more stories than ‘enter’ ever will.

As our fear of taking risks surpasses the excitement of potential thrill.

While optimism is the fertilizer that helps you grow,

pessimism shoves you back into the ground below.

Analyze but don’t fret; Explore but don’t regret;

For, can sweet success exist without bitter sweat?

“What if I fail? What if I lose? What if the odds are never in my favor?”

“Will my self-worth now be reduced to the success rate of this endeavor?”

Bid goodbye to this particular nagging voice in your head,

which before taking a step ahead, fills you with dread.

Say hello to the warm, tingling feeling in your gut instead,

your ‘sixth sense’ – that somehow voices what often goes unsaid.

It offers you, both words of comfort and constructive critique;

like a lighthouse that steers the ship even when it’s dark and bleak.

“So what if you fail? So what if you lose?”

“Even the brightest bulbs sometimes fuse.”

Self-doubt kills more dreams than failure can ever redeem.

‘Backspace’ all your inhibitions and ‘Enter’ every dream!

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