●दिल का दरवाज़ा●

दिल के दरवाज़े पर जब तुमने था खटखटाया,उन असीम दरारों को देखकर भी ठहरना ठहराया उसके हिचकिचाते knob को यकीन के गोंद से थामा,और यूं तुम्हारा दस्तक एक संयोग नहीं था एक करिश्मा उस बेरंग परत को मुस्कान के रंग से भर लिया ,उसके बिखरते हुए टुकड़ों को समेटना था तुम्हारा किया आए तो थे... Continue Reading →

To the strongest woman I know

To the strongest woman I know I love you more than I can ever show. With an endearing smile upon her face Even the largest obstacle she can ace. Juggling home and office like a pro, To her grit and diligence I bow. Armed with the most comforting hug That leaves me stress-free and snug.... Continue Reading →

Politics or PoliANTICS ?!

My democracy is currently shrouded in protests,Which by the day, only dirtier gets.What baffles me is NOT the causeWhich has brought humanity to a pause.What startles me is NOT the causeBut the inhumanity it withdraws. Reasons are many and differences even more,Resulting in wars like never before.With defenses worse than the physical ones,Way worse than... Continue Reading →

Whatta magician of a book!

Eyes alight with curiosity and a spring in my step As I waited for the delivery guy at the doorstep. Grinning from ear to ear as the doorbell rang, With a whoop of delight, towards the door I sprang. Only to be thwarted by my mother and was warned No touching the book until your... Continue Reading →

My definition of ‘happiness’

The foaming moustache after I chug my comforting coffee mug. Inhaling the scent of wet earth while watching the raindrops race in mirth. The twinge of delight when I am told I resemble my Jeje is hundred fold. Stirring up a delicious dish that everyone shall relish. Nestled in my room with a novel makes... Continue Reading →

School Memories

Rushing into the class under a watchful glare;  Cribbing how the teachers were biased, unfair  Laughter echoed over missal and Chinese   After cursing the queue that never seemed to cease. The Grand Gopalvan is nothing short of a god sent  Where we danced and sang to our heart's content.   "13, 14, 15, change" on the... Continue Reading →

Conflicts By The Bay

Shimmering stars and glistening waves calming my mind as it raves. Lost in a flurry of thoughts as I crave for peace unbound, The world teeming with hardships had left me howling like a hound. As the cool gale struck my face and the waves lapped gently by my feet, I realized that life was... Continue Reading →

The World In A Drop

The sky a steely gray with thunder cackling as a clap of lightning bathes the city in light Oh what a lovely sight! The scent of the wet earth mingles with that of fresh pakoras; and tingles every sensation, every fibre and turns my day however macabre into a plethora of sheer bliss. This dewy... Continue Reading →

Waiting For The Sun

Have you ever felt empty behind that smile? Or lonely despite the many likes on your profile. Have you ever felt lost in this labyrinth called 'life?' Or found company in your very own strife. Have you ever 'felt' so much in a point of time? That even the ability to 'feel' felt like a... Continue Reading →

The Monsoon Affair

Lightning spiked through the cloudy sky followed by a clap of thunder and instantly turned my frown into a smile. The scent of the wet earth mingling with that of freshly fried pakoras tingled my nose. Every ounce of my body danced. The gentle pitter-patter of the rain was the perfect monsoon melody. The drops... Continue Reading →

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